
Friday 16 March 2018


Words of Chan
Master Chang Shangte
Translated by Translation Team

第一篇01.01         佛與凡夫和假修道者

Chapter One 01.01               Buddhist, Bono and Pseudo Ascetics
Buddha (Śākyamunihas no intent to be an emperor, yet he was once before;
Buddha (Śākyamunidislikes to link with any formal organizations, yet he was surrounded all the time by one thousand two hundred and fifty followers then;
Buddha signifies neither Being nor Emptiness; it does not belong to Being - Emptiness or non-Being - non-Emptiness either;
Buddha is in the presence of all the harmony and unity of the universe.
Buddha is in the realm of everlasting happiness, transcendental self, and tranquility with ontological light.
There is no Societal Buddhism; Buddha per se is boundless in vast nothingness, spread all over the Dharma Realm (dharmadhatu), and enlightening everything correspondingly
How about the ordinary people?
How about the pseudo ascetics?
Those who practice Buddhism in reverse are even less appropriate than the layperson.

第一篇01.02         真儒與假儒

Chapter One 01.02              Genuine Confucianist versus Fictitious Confucianist
Confucian conduct should be rational and in accordance with rituals with no exception.
These criteria apply to not only individual but also families, groups, society, countries and even the whole world; particularly when a society is absent from rationality and rituals, its social atmosphere and system cannot be deemed as Confucian, it has to be false Confucian.

第一篇01.03         道仙

Chapter One 01.03               Celestial Being
A sound physical condition brings longevity;
A calm mental state accompanies with a leisurely mood;
Live easily and freely, and wander arbitrarily;
Those who act against the law of nature;
Will become physical ill or mentally suffering;
When life becomes unmanageable, it would end up with a no way out dilemma.

第一篇01.04         打算

Chapter One 01.04               Setting Up
One who spends solely on daily meal and basic needs will not become the poor.
No one plans to be the poor during his lifetime.
The above secular words disclose the grounds of “I Want to Live”.
Being disillusioned and enlightened,
In the end, no plan is actually the best plan.

第一篇01.05         氣派與氣度

Chapter One 01.05               Greatness and/or Magnificence 
Authentic greatness and magnificence coalesce through many types of Qi or vital energy. (In traditional Chinese Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism, the great masters teach that Qi is a vital force in the universe.) Zhuangzi speaks of the Qi of tranquility at dawn, Laozi refers to the Qi of clarity and nothingness, Confucius talks of the Qi of tranquility and modesty, Mencius expounds the Qi of righteousness, and Sakyamuni Buddha refers to the Qi of cosmic purity.  Only when understanding in these ways can we truly capture the essence or meaning behind greatness and magnificence.
It is meaningless to even mention about those kinds of celebrities and public figures such as heroes, tycoons and grand masters in various religions.  No comparison at all.


Chapter One 01.06               Chan (Zen)
Chan (Zen): Equip oneself with knowledge from Confucianism, Taoism and other fields as foundation for practicing prior to becoming the Buddha, and thereinafter transcend Buddha per se.  All mindset arising and its utilization adhere to Confucianism and Taoism.  This is why many Zen masters in the past are very proficient in Confucianism and Taoism.  This is Chan (Zen).

第一篇01.07         四句偈

Chapter One 01.07               A Four-Line Verse
Deal with everything in genuineness, not in falsehood.
Engage in a large scale of scheme, not a small one.
Fight against one’s own, not others’.
Do it all upon a permanent basis, not on a transient emotion.

第一篇01.08         謙卦

Chapter One 01.08               Qian Gua
Before Sakyamuni Buddha passed away (Parinirvana), we could learn how heavy-hearted he was from a few precautious words delivered to his followers, he said: "The fellow monks must collaborate harmoniously; for those who fall into the three evil realms of hell, all due to disputes among themselves,
He added:
"A monk should not claim that he is more knowledgeable than others in interpretation of the Buddha Bibles, and should not work on his own way arbitrarily."
None of hexagrams ( guà) from “I Ching” ("Book of Changes") is considered as a good one except Qian Gua.
At this troubled times, peace and modesty is the best virtue for interaction among the monks.

第一篇01.09         福德

Chapter One 01.09               Blessedness        (Fortune Merit)
Bitterness always comes with affection, so do blindness with intention and disorder with desire; Dharma melts "affection. Intention and desire", which are inherent with human being all the time, down to minimum or none; thus one who practices Buddhism should go through “Three Asaṃkhyeyakalpa,” that is, to encounter, suffer and work out many various disasters in an innumerable length period of time.  The so called "An Instant Buddha" is solely in term of authentication of being emptiness and Dhammakaya; yet it is not the genuine Buddha.
The authentication of enlightenment, which is the outcome of accumulated Blessedness from many lives in the past, can often be found from Chan (Zen) masters’ conducts or performances.  Chan (Zen) practitioners cannot be enlightened without having Blessedness.
However those who could sacrifice themselves for others’ sakes at this very moment, and keep acting unselfishly for all future time will achieve the largest Blessedness, and thus will become real grand Buddha too.­

第一篇01.10         非或然率
經濟相爭,政治相鬥,文化相斥,宗教相拒,家庭互亂 – 這是現況,衡諸歷史,過去如此,現在已然,未來恐怕只有更烈,此非或然率。

Chapter One 01.10               Non-Probability
Economic competition, political confrontation, cultural conflict, religion incompatibles and family discord - This is the status quo we are now living with; In view of history, it occurred in the past, exists currently, and will be becoming even more intense in the future, this is a non-probability.
Buddha (Śākyamunidisillusioned all of these turmoils thousands of years ago, thus he’d rather be a beggar than an emperor for life then and there; this is indeed not a good business deal at all. 
The global great recession was not quite caused by financial crisis; it was much more so triggered by human nature, namely greed, hatred and suspicion.

第一篇01.11         非買賣
馬克斯發表共產黨宣言,在有些地區,只要有一塊地、有一點錢,就被搶殺。一百五十年來,據說死了一億五千萬人,現在反過來了,人人在搶那一塊地、那一點錢,此之謂『眾生顛倒』– WTOOTW,倒過來說,也成立!我不反商,也不從商,即超越買賣也!

註明:  WTO – World Trade Organization         世界貿易組織
OTW – Out of This World           不存在這世間

Chapter One 01.11               Non-Trading
Karl Marx published the Communist Manifesto in 1848.  The bourgeois who owned a small piece of land or had a little money were either robbed or killed or both at that time in some areas; it is said that 150 million people died during the communist revolution in the past 150 years.  Now situation has been totally turned around, everyone tries to grab land and money; this is called "Reverse Beings" era – so it is also acceptable if WTO (World Trade Organization) is being read in reverse as OTW (Out of This World.)  I don’t engage in any business transaction, yet I'm not an anti-business person; this is simply beyond the subject of trade business.

Note:            WTO – World Trade Organization         OTW – Out of This World

第一篇01.12         寂靜

Chapter One 01.12               Tranquility
The contemporary social value has been twisted, with the gradual lessening of concern, affection, and righteousness among one another, people are pursuing a more fabricated and unreal surface, and are addicted to the reversed fantasy;  Further, information technology ruins people's flesh physically and biochemistry particularly gene engineering hampers the human spiritual growth;  thus the value of “Truth, Benefaction, Beauty” is fading away; we can no longer rely on families and religions, neither can we place hopes on endeavors from politics, economics, education, cultures and other perspectives.  Buddhism tells us that we must enter into our own deepest realm of tranquility and............
Tranquility is the first and foremost course.

第一篇01.13         無事

Chapter One 01.13               Nothingness
Preconception of distinction and right or wrong is derived from desires of greed, hatred, sentimentality, arrogance, suspicion, evil knowledge and so on.
Dealing with things and people with no preconception in mind,
Everything becomes natural,
Once this is being done and the rest will be well taken care of.
This is the true meaning of nothingness.
Unquestionably, be immanent in function and go beyond function, go beyond function and be immanent in the function.  It would be even better to hold the "non-consciousness mindset" firmly onto "Bodhichitta" which is always for mankind as a whole, not for an individual.

第一篇01.14         海闊天空
『我能辦大學,因為我做國民黨秘書長和教育部長時,處處留餘地,人能如此,便能海闊天空。 』
你呢? --- 何其不留餘地,故心地永遠在牢籠中!

Chapter One 01.14               The Boundless Sea and Sky
Dr. Chang Chi-Yun (aka: Zhang Xiaofeng), Chairperson of the Board, University of Chinese Culture, said:
"The reason why I was able to establish a university, because when I served as Secretary-General of Kuomintang and the Minister of the Ministry of Education, (I had so much political power in hand at that time,)  yet I often gave the needed person opportunities to deal with.  Whoever done so would become more open and free, and thus be rewarded with more promising and achievable futures, just like birds flying in the boundless sea and sky." 
For those who do not notice that they live, if not being locked, within an intangible and huge cage, their mindset has been long time covered by the dark with no bright future; Instead of turning to themselves for examination and correction, they still lodge complaints here and there all the time, they are so greedy and never feel contented in their life even they own all fortunes in the world.
How about you?  --- Shall you not give someone a way out; your heart will be locked in the cage forever!

第一篇01.15         快樂

Chapter One 01.15               Happiness
First, the greatest happiness is being absent from unhappiness.
Second, unhappiness follows immediately after pursuing happiness.  Agony always accompanies with pursuit.
According to Buddhism, a state of emptinessnon-phenomenon and non-blessing is the maximum freedom and true happiness.

第一篇01.16         無題

Chapter One 01.16               Untitled
Mind quests for nothing
Affection links to nowhere
Nothing is right or wrong for all of all
Liberation thus follows eventually

第一篇01.17         佛法精要

Chapter One 01.17               Dharma Essentials
No memory left for the past
No blueprint schemed to the future
No difference behaving at this very moment
Sticking with compassion (maiteya), mercy (karuna), pleasure (muditd) and giving (upekgavery clearly and very thoroughly, and let all of all be implemented within the realm of enlightened wisdom (Prajna).

第一篇01.18         超越情緒

Chapter One 01.18               Go Beyond Emotion
Do not become the slave of your emotion, do not let others' emotion bother you, thus you will be truly liberated.
Nowadays the rich live days filled with anxiety about seeking pleasure and securing their       
fortune; the influential people are always afraid that their powers are being taken away.
It is not a matter of survival, but of one's own emotional distress.

第一篇01.19         真解脫

Chapter One 01.19               The True Extrication
Life or death is decreed by fate
Riches and honor is a matter of destiny
Do not grumble against Heaven or blame other people
Hold oneself aloof from the world
Have an equivalent attitude towards agony and Happiness
Go all out and do one's best wholeheartedly
That is what it all adds up to
This is the true extrication

第一篇01.20         圓成實

Chapter One 01.20               Perfectly Accomplished Nature of Reality
When the existence of an individual meets a number of outside causal factors, the encounter of “outer condition” is called “the view of existence” (satkayadrsti); “inner condition” is a subjective condition, when tightly grasped, it is named “the view of the ego” or “egocentrism”.
In Consciousness-only studies, “all phenomena come from consciousness" is well corroborated from “Inner Condition.”  Attachment by pervasive discrimination or arising in dependence on other things has no cause in its inception; it is originated solely by the "Inner Condition."
Those who adhere to their own subjective desires and emotions to face their own subjective and objective worlds cannot be liberated and comfortable.
Go beyond subjectivity and objectivity to reach a state which is termed Perfectly Accomplished Nature of Reality” in the Consciousness-Only studies.

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