
Thursday 12 July 2018


湘潭 道南書院副院長 魏盛博士

英國數學家、哲學家懷特海(Alfred N. Whitehead, 1861-1947)在他的大著《過程與實在》中,詳細闡述了過程哲學(也稱為歷程哲學、有機哲學)[[1]][[2]][[3]]
吾師張公尚德先生,早年從經驗的立場,認同以邏輯分析建立語言的整合體系的方法,提出用唯識學處理西方的經驗哲學,嘗試在中國傳統文化的架構下安排西方物格化的知識。[[9]][[10]] 方東美教授用懷特海過程哲學的語言來闡述華嚴宗哲學[[11]],其中「因門六義」「理事無礙」等也都離不開唯識學的基礎。
例如,過程哲學最重要的5種存在性範疇——現實存在(Actual Entities)、攝入(Prehensions)、聚合體(Nexūs)、主體性形式(Subjective Forms)、永恆客體(Eternal Objects),本文是以唯識學的法相、帶相、積聚、行相、種子來作對應的。簡略地說:
1、約定俗成的種種現象,都是由識所變現的,這些現象對應著過程哲學的現實存在(Actual Entities);
4識的見分對境相的認識作用,稱為行相,這一作用(及其相應心所)對應著過程哲學的主體性形式(Subjective Forms
5種子識中能夠直接生起各自果的功能,稱為種子,這一功能對應著過程哲學的永恆客體(Eternal Objects
由此可見,唯識學的帶質境——所緣相分有所托的本質,為能緣見分的妄情所帶起——所謂「帶質通情本」,密切對應著過程哲學的「客體化」(objectification唯識學的獨影境——唯隨見分所起——所謂「獨影唯從見」,則密切對應著過程哲學的「否定性攝入」(negative prehensions)。唯識學的阿陀那識,也是與過程哲學的終極性範疇——創造性(Creativity)相對應的。
The Categories of Explanation
  There are twenty-seven Categories of Explanation:

(i) That the actual world is a process, and that the process is the becoming of actual entities.  Thus actual entities are creatures; they are also termed ‘actual occasions’.
[楊富斌中譯]    1. 現實世界是一個過程,過程就是各種現實存在的生成。因此,現實存在都是創造物,也可稱為「現實發生」。

(ii) That in the becoming of an actual entity, the potential unity of many entities -- actual and non-actual -- acquires the real unity of the one actual entity; so that the actual entity is the real concrescence of many potentials.
[楊富斌中譯]    2. 在現實存在的生成過程中,以分離的多樣性形式存在的諸多存在,不論是現實的還是非現實的,其潛在的統一性可獲得一種實在的現實存在的統一;因此,這個現實存在就是各種潛在性的實在的合生。

(iii) That in the becoming of an actual entity, novel prehensions, nexūs, subjective forms, propositions, multiplicities, and contrasts, also become; but there are no novel eternal objects.
[楊富斌中譯]3. 在現實存在的生成過程中,新的攝入、聚合體、主體性形式、命題、多樣性和對比也都生成了;但這裡不存在任何新的永恆客體的生成。

(iv) That the potentiality for being an element in a real concrescence of many entities into one actuality, is the one general metaphysical character attaching to all entities, actual and non-actual; and that every item in its universe is involved in each concrescence. In other words, it belongs to the nature of a ‘being’ that it is a potential for every ‘becoming’.  This is the ‘principle of relativity’.
[楊富斌中譯]    4. 促使諸多存在進入一種現實之中,成為一種實在的合生之中的要素的潛在性,是所有現實和非現實的存在都具有的一種普遍的形而上學特征;這個領域的每一項要素都與每一種合生相關聯。換言之,潛在性屬於「實有」的本質,因此對每一種「生成」來說,它都是一種潛在性。這就是「相關性原理」。

  (v) That no two actual entities originate from an identical universe; though the difference between the two universes only consists in some actual entities, included in one and not in the other, and in the subordinate entities which each actual entity introduces into the world.  The eternal objects are the same for all actual entities.  The nexus of actual entities in the universe correlate to a concrescence, is termed ‘the actual world’ correlated to that concrescence.
[楊富斌中譯]    5. 任何兩種現實存在都不會起源於完全等同的一個領域,儘管這兩個領域間的差異僅僅在於某些現實存在包含在這一領域而非另一領域之中,並且在於每一種現實存在可把其引入世界之中的諸從屬性存在。永恆客體對全部現實存在都是一樣的。在與合生相關的領域中,這些現實存在的聚合體可稱為與那種合生相關聯的「現實世界」。

(vi) That each entity in the universe of a given concrescence can, so far as its own nature is concerned, be implicated in that concrescence in one or other of many modes; but in fact it is implicated only in one mode: that the particular mode of implication is only rendered fully determinate by that concrescence, though it is conditioned by the correlate universe.  This indetermination, rendered determinate in the real concrescence, is the meaning of ‘potentiality’.  It is a conditioned indetermination, and is therefore called a ‘real potentiality’.
[楊富斌中譯]    6. 在一個既定的合生領域中,每一種存在,就其自身性質而言,都能以諸多方式中的這種或那種方式包含於這個合生之中。但實際上它只能以一種方式包含於其中:包含的方式只是由於這個合生才成為完全確定的,雖然它是以那個相關領域為條件的。這種不確定性——它可以在實在的合生中轉化為確定性——正是「潛在性」的意義之所在。它是一種有條件的不確定性,因而可稱之為「實在的潛在性」。

(vii) That an eternal object can be described only in terms of its potentiality for ‘ingression’ into the becoming of actual entities; and that its analysis only discloses other eternal objects. It is a pure potential.  The term ‘ingression’ refers to the particular mode in which the potentiality of an eternal object is realized in a particular actual entity, contributing to the definiteness of that actual entity.
[楊富斌中譯]    7. 我們只能根據永恆客體「進入」各種現實存在的生成中的潛在性來描述永恆客體,而且對它的分析只會揭示出其他的永恆客體。永恒客體是一種純粹的潛在性。「進入」一詞是指永恆客體的潛在性在某種具體的現實存在中實現自身的特殊方式,這種特殊方式對這種現實存在的確定性有所貢獻。

(viii) That two descriptions are required for an actual entity: (a) one which is analytical of its potentiality for ‘objectification’ in the becoming of other actual entities, and (b) another which is analytical of the process which constitutes its own becoming.
  The term ‘objectification’ refers to the particular mode in which the potentiality of one actual entity is realized in another actual entity.
[楊富斌中譯]    8. 對現實存在需要有兩種描述方式:一是可以分析它對其他現實存在的生成中的「客體化」有何潛在性;二是可以分析構成其自身之生成的過程。

(ix) That how an actual entity becomes constitutes what that actual entity is; so that the two descriptions of an actual entity are not independent.  Its ‘being’ is constituted by its ‘becoming’. This is the ‘principle of process’.
[楊富斌中譯]    9. 一個現實存在是如何生成的,構成了這個現實存在是什麼;因而現實存在的這兩種描述方式並不是互不相干的。現實存在的「存在」是由其「生成」所構成的。這就是「過程原理」。

  (x) That the first analysis of an actual entity, into its most concrete elements, discloses it to be a concrescence of prehensions, which have originated in its process of becoming.  All further analysis is an analysis of prehensions.  Analysis in terms of prehensions is termed ‘division’.
[楊富斌中譯]    10. 對現實存在進行分析的第一步就是要把它分析為最具體的要素,以此來揭示它是各種攝入的合生,這些攝入來源於這種現實存在的生成過程。所有進一步進行的分析都是對攝入的分析。根據攝入所做的分析可稱為「區分」。

  (xi) That every prehension consists of three factors: (a) the ‘subject’ which is prehending, namely, the actual entity in which that prehension is a concrete element; (b) the ‘datum’ which is prehended; (c) the ‘subjective form’ which is how that subject prehends that datum.
Prehensions of actual entities -- i.e., prehensions whose data involve actual entities -- are termed ‘physical prehensions’; and prehensions of eternal objects are termed ‘conceptual prehensions’.  Consciousness is not necessarily involved in the subjective forms of either type of prehension.
[楊富斌中譯]    11. 每一種攝入都是由三個因素構成的:(1)從事攝入的「主體」,即以這種攝入作為具體要素的現實存在;(2)被攝入「材料」;(3)「主體性形式」,即這個主體是如何攝入那些材料的。

(xii) That there are two species of prehensions: (a) ‘positive prehensions’ which are termed ‘feelings’, and (b) ‘negative prehensions’ which are said to ‘eliminate from feelings’.  Negative prehensions also have subjective forms.  A negative prehension holds its datum as inoperative in the progressive concrescence of prehensions constituting the unity of the subject.
[楊富斌中譯]    12. 攝入有兩種:(1)「肯定性攝入」,可稱之為「感受」;(2)「否定性攝入」,可以說它是「排除感受」的攝入。否定性攝入也有其主體性形式。在構成該主體之統一性的諸攝入漸進的合生過程中,否定性感受使其材料不再起作用。

(xiii) That there are many species of subjective forms, such as emotions, valuations, purposes, adversions, aversions, consciousness, etc.
[楊富斌中譯]    13. 主體性形式有許多種,例如情感、評價、目的、喜歡、厭惡、意識等等。

(xiv)  That a nexus is a set of actual entities in the unity of the relatedness constituted by their prehensions of each other, or -- what is the same thing conversely expressed -- constituted by their objectifications in each other.
[楊富斌中譯]    14. 聚合體是各種現實存在的集合,這些現實存在由於相互攝入而構成關係性的統一體,或者——反過來說也一樣——由於它們的相互客體化而構成關係性的統一體。

(xv) That a proposition is the unity of certain actual entities in their potentiality for forming a nexus, with its potential relatedness partially defined by certain eternal objects which have the unity of one complex eternal object.  The actual entities involved are termed the ‘logical subjects’, the complex eternal object is the ‘predicate’.
[楊富斌中譯]    15. 命題是由某些現實存在所構成的統一體,這些現實存在具有其構成聚合體的潛在性。這種統一體的潛在關係性部分地是由某些永恆客體所規定的,而這些永恆客體則具有一種複雜永恆客體的統一性。這裡所涉及的各種現實存在叫作「邏輯主詞」,而所涉及的這種複雜的永恆客體則叫作「邏輯謂詞」。

(xvi) That a multiplicity consists of many entities, and its unity is constituted by the fact that all its constituent entities severally satisfy at least one condition which no other entity satisfies.
  Every statement about a particular multiplicity can be expressed as a statement referent either (a) to all its members severally, or (b) to an indefinite some of its members severally, or (c) as a denial of one of these statements.  Any statement, incapable of being expressed in this form, is not a statement about a multiplicity, though it may be a statement about an entity closely allied to some multiplicity, i.e., systematically allied to each member of some multiplicity.
[楊富斌中譯]    16. 多樣性是由諸多存在所構成的,而其統一體則是由下述事實所構成的:組成該統一體的全部存在都至少分別會滿足任何其他存在都不能滿足的一個條件。

(xvii) That whatever is a datum for a feeling has a unity as felt.  Thus the many components of a complex datum have a unity: this unity is a ‘contrast’ of entities.  In a sense this means that there are an endless number of categories of existence, since the synthesis of entities into a contrast in general produces a new existential type.  For example, a proposition is, in a sense, a ‘contrast’. For the practical purposes of ‘human understanding’, it is sufficient to consider a few basic types of existence, and to lump the more derivative types together under the heading of ‘contrasts’.  The most important of such ‘contrast’ is the ‘affirmation-negation’ contrast in which a proposition and a nexus obtain synthesis in one datum, the members of the nexus being the ‘logical subjects’ of the proposition.
[楊富斌中譯]    17. 任何感受材料都有某種可以被感受到的統一性。因此,一種復合材料的諸多組成部分都有一種統一性:這種統一性就是各種存在的「對比」。在一定意義上,這意味著有無數的存在性範疇,因為把各種存在綜合為某種一般的對比會產生一種新的存在類型。例如,命題在一定意義上就是一種「對比」。從「人類理解」的實際目的來看,考察一些基本的存在類型,並且把更多的派生類型歸併在「對比」的主題下也就足矣。在這種「對比」中,最重要的就是那種「肯定-否定」對比,命題和聚合體就是通過這種對比而綜合在一種材料之中的,這種聚合體的成分就是這個命題的「邏輯主詞」。

(xviii) That every condition to which the process of becoming conforms in any particular instance, has its reason either in the character of some actual entity in the actual world of that concrescence, or in the character of the subject which is in process of concrescence.  This category of explanation is termed the ‘ontological principle’.  It could also be termed the ‘principle of efficient, and final, causation’.  This ontological principle means that actual entities are the only reasons; so that to search for a reason is to search for one or more actual entities.  It follows that any condition to be satisfied by one actual entity in its process expresses a fact either about the ‘real internal constitutions’ of some other actual entities, or about the ‘subjective aim’ conditioning that process.
  The phrase ‘real internal constitution’ is to be found in Locke’s Essay Concerning Human Understanding (III, III, 15): And thus the real internal (but generally in substances unknown) constitution of things, whereon their discoverable qualities depend, may be called their ‘essence’.  Also the terms ‘prehension’ and ‘feeling’ are to be compared with the various significations of Locke’s term ‘idea’.  But they are adopted as more general and more neutral terms than ‘idea’ as used by Locke, who seems to restrict them to conscious mentality.  Also the ordinary logical account of ‘propositions’ expressed only a restricted aspect of their role in the universe, namely, when they are the data of feelings whose subjective forms are those of judgments.  It is an essential doctrine in the philosophy of organism that the primary function of a proposition is to be relevant as a lure for feeling.  For example, some propositions are the data of feelings with subjective forms such as to constitute those feelings to be the enjoyment of a joke.  Other propositions are felt with feelings whose subjective forms are horror, disgust, or indignation.  The ‘subjective aim’, which controls the becoming of a subject, is that subject feeling a proposition with the subjective form of purpose to realize it in that process of self-creation.
[楊富斌中譯]    18. 在任何特定情況下,生成過程所遵循的每一個條件都有其理由,這種理由要麼出自於這個合生的現實世界中某種現實存在的性質,要麼出自於處在合生過程中的主體的性質。這種說明性範疇稱為「本體論原理」,亦稱「動因和終極原因原理」。這種本體論原理意味著現實存在乃是唯一的理由;因此,尋找理由就是要尋找一種或更多的現實存在。由此可以得出結論說,由一種現實存在在其過程中所滿足的任何條件都表達了某種事實,這種事實或者是關於某些其他現實存在的「實在的內在構造」,或者是關於制約那個過程的「主體性目的」。

(xix) That the fundamental types of entities are actual entities, and eternal objects; and that the other types of entities only express how all entities of the two fundamental types are in community with each other, in the actual world.
[楊富斌中譯]    19. 存在的基本類型是現實存在和永恆客體,而其他類型的存在則只是表達了所有這兩種基本類型的存在在現實世界是如何彼此共處於一個共同體之中的。

(xx) That to ‘function’ means to contribute determination to the actual entities in the nexus of some actual world. Thus the determinateness and self-identity of one entity cannot be abstracted from the community of the diverse functionings of all entities.  ‘Determination’ is analysable into ‘definiteness’ and ‘position’, where ‘definiteness’ is the illustration of select eternal objects, and ‘position’ is relative status in a nexus of actual entities.
[楊富斌中譯]    20. 「發揮作用」的意思是指對現實世界的聚合體中的各種現實存在賦予規定性。因此,一種存在的規定性和自我同一性不能與全部存在的不同功能所組成的共同體相割裂。我們可以把「規定性」分析為「確定性」和「位置」,其中「確定性」表明的是所選擇的永恆客體,而「位置」則是指其在現實存在的聚合體中所處的相關地位。

(xxi) An entity is actual, when it has significance for itself.  By this it is meant that an actual entity functions in respect to its own determination.  Thus an actual entity combines self-identity with self-diversity.
[楊富斌中譯]    21. 一種存在只有在對其自身有意義時才是現實的。這樣說的意思是指,一種現實存在是針對其自身的規定性而發揮作用的。這樣一來,一種現實存在便把自身的同一性與自身的差異性結合在一起了。

(xxii) That an actual entity by functioning in respect to itself plays diverse roles in self-formation without losing its self-identity.  It is self-creative; and in its process of creation transforms its diversity of roles into one coherent role.  Thus ‘becoming’ is the transformation of incoherence into coherence, and in each particular instance ceases with this attainment.
[楊富斌中譯]    22. 一種針對自身而發揮作用的現實存在在自身的構成中發揮著不同的作用,而同時又不失去其自身的同一性。這就是自我創造,並在其創造過程中把其多重角色轉化為一種內在一致的角色。因此,「生成」就是把不一致轉化為內在一致,並且在每一種具體情況下,這種轉化實現之時,便是生成終止之時。

(xxiii) That this self-functioning is the real internal constitution of an actual entity.  It is the ‘immediacy’ of the actual entity.  An actual entity is called the ‘subject’ of its own immediacy.
[楊富斌中譯]    23. 這種自我發揮功能的過程,就是一種現實存在的實在的內在構造過程。這就是這個現實存在的「直接性」。一個現實存在可被稱為其自身的直接性的「主體」。

(xxiv) The functioning of one actual entity in the self-creation of another actual entity is the ‘objectification’ of the former for the latter actual entity.  The functioning of an eternal object in the self-creation of an actual entity is the ‘ingression’ of the eternal object in the actual entity.
[楊富斌中譯]    24. 一種現實存在在另一種現實存在的自我創造中發揮作用,這是前一個現實存在為後一個現實存在而進行的「客體化」。一種永恆客體在一種現實存在的自我創造中發揮作用,就是這個永恆客體「進入」該現實存在之中。

(xxv) The final phase in the process of concrescence, constituting an actual entity, is one complex, fully determinate feeling.  This final phase is termed the ‘satisfaction’.  It is fully determinate (a) as to its genesis, (b) as to its objective character for the transcendent creativity, and (c) as to its prehension -- positive or negative -- of every item in its universe.
[楊富斌中譯]    25. 構成一個現實存在的合生過程的最後階段,是一種複雜的、完全確定的感受。這一最終狀態可稱為「滿足」。這個滿足充分地確定了:(1)自己的發生;(2)自己超驗的創造性的客體性質;(3)對自身領域內各項要素的肯定性攝入或否定性攝入。

(xxvi) Each element in the genetic process of an actual entity has one self-consistent function, however complex, in the final satisfaction.
[楊富斌中譯]    26. 在現實存在的發生過程中,每一要素在最終的滿足中都有一種自我一致的功能,不管這種功能有多麼複雜。

(xxvii) In a process of concrescence, there is a succession of phases in which new prehensions arise by integration of prehensions in antecedent phases.  In these integrations ‘feelings’ contribute their ‘subjective forms’ and their ‘data’ to the formation of novel integral prehensions; but ‘negative prehensions’ contribute only their ‘subjective forms’.  The process continues till all prehensions are components in the one determinate integral satisfaction.
[楊富斌中譯]    27. 在合生過程中存在著一系列階段,新的攝入在這些階段中通過整合先前階段的攝入而產生。在這些整合過程中,「感受」把自己的「主體性形式「和自己的「材料」提供給新的整合性攝入的形成過程。但是「否定性攝入」只提供它們的「主體性形式」。這一過程還會持續進行下去,直到全部攝入都成為一種確定的整合性滿足之中的成分時為止。


[1]Alfread N. Whitehead, Process and Reality, pp. 33 - 39.
[2] 懷特海著,楊富斌譯,《過程與實在》(修訂版),頁27-32


[[1]]Alfred N. Whitehead (1929), Process and Reality, New York: The Macmillan Company.

尚德 於台灣達摩書院

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