
Friday 14 October 2011

林鎮國老師「中觀哲學專題研究」課綱 / nccu 2009 Summer

September 23, 2009 10:42AM

發表文章數: 1,474
學年學期 98學年度第1學期
課程名稱 (中)中觀哲學專題研究
(英)Studies in Madhyamika Philosophy
授課教師 林鎮國 職稱 專任 教授

本課程是提供給對於佛教哲學有興趣者的基礎課程,希望藉由文本選讀和哲學討論的方式,熟悉大乘佛教的中觀哲學。本課程的重點有三:一、閱讀新近關於中觀學的研究,特別是北美分析取向的成果,如Jan Westerhoff Nagarjuna's Madhyamaka: A Philosophical Introduction (2009); Jay L. Garfield Empty Words (2002)和)。二、閱讀龍樹《中論》,除了參考新近譯本(如Jay Garfield 1995; Mark Siderits and Shoryu Katsura trans. Mulamadhyamakakarika 2005-2006 2008),也會參考一些梵文解讀的著作,如Michael Eido Luetchford Between Heaven and Earth: A Translation of Nagarjuna's Mulamadhyamakakarika (2002)和西山+鳥和夫的《中論》日譯。三、配合David Eckel來台講座,本課程將延伸至清辨《中觀心論》第4、5章,探討清辨對聲聞乘和瑜伽行的批判。

本課程選擇龍樹《中論》為主要研讀文獻。該論為中觀學派的根本經典,也是所有大乘佛教的基礎,影響後來的佛教哲學甚大。《中論》的梵典尚存,並有漢藏譯本。本課程採用鳩摩羅什譯的青目釋本為主,並參考梵典、月稱《淨明句論》、安慧《中觀釋論》、清辨《般若燈論》、吉藏《中觀論疏》、印順《中觀論頌講記》,及現代學者的研究成果。希望透過原典研讀的方式,選讀數品,藉以熟悉語言文獻學的治學方法,進而深入中觀哲學的世界。進行的方式取《藏要》鳩摩羅什譯本、 Inada、Kalupahana、McCagney、Garfield、Mark Siderits等人英譯、三枝充惪;《中論偈頌總覽》對讀。選讀《中論》之後,將進一步研讀清辨《中觀心論》第4、5章,探討清辨對聲聞乘和瑜伽行的批判。最後一週,則發表同學的學期報告大綱。

The seminar offers a comprehensive study of Nagarjuna’s Madhyamika philosophy. It covers the basic issues of Madhyamika philosophy such as ontology (svabhava) epistemology negation language and ethics. More important for this seminar is to closely examine its unfathomable style of discourse. In order to get the first-hand understanding we will read some key chapters of Nagarjuna’s Madhyamakakarika (The Treatise of the Middle Way). The main text we use is Kumarajiva’s Chinese translation of Nagarjuna’s Verses with Pingala’s Commentary. This text has been widely used and hence very influential in the Chinese Buddhist tradition. We will also check with the Sanskrit text and other modern (Chinese English and Japanese) translations and commentaries. Attendance and weekly essay (50%) and a term paper (50%) are required.

1. 序言:研究資料與研究方法
2. Jan Westerhoff Nagarjuna's Madhyamaka: A Philosophical Introduction (2009) Chapter 1.
3. Jan Westerhoff Nagarjuna's Madhyamaka Chapter 2: Interpretations of Svabhava.
4. Jan Westerhoff Nagarjuna's Madhyamaka Chapter 3: The Role of Negation.
5. Jan Westerhoff Nagarjuna's Madhyamaka Chapter 4: Catukoti/Tetralemma.
6. Jan Westerhoff Nagarjuna's Madhyamaka Chapter 8: Epistemology.
7. Jan Westerhoff Nagarjuna's Madhyamaka Chapter 9: Language.
14. 清辨《中觀心論》第4、5章
15. 清辨《中觀心論》第4、5章
16. 清辨《中觀心論》第4、5章
17. 結論:學期報告大綱
1. 上課出席討論,20 %。
2. 上課分組報告,30%。
3. 研究論文,50%。

Jan Westerhoff Nagarjuna's Madhyamaka: A Philosophical Introduction (Oxford2009)
Malcolm David Eckel Bhaviveka and His Buddhist Opponents (Harvard University 2008).
Mark Siderits and Shoryu Katsura trans. Mulamadhyamakakarika 2005-2006 2008.
Michael Eido Luetchford Between Heaven and Earth: A Translation of Nagarjuna's Mulamadhyamakakarika (2002
本多惠,《中論註和譯》(東京 : 國書刊行會 1988)。
T. R. V. Murti The Central Philosophy of Buddhism: A Study of the Madhyamika
System (London: Unwin Paperback 1980). (郭忠生譯,《中觀哲學》,華宇出版社,1984。)
David J. Kalupahana Nagarjuna: The Philosophy of the Middle Way (Ablany: SUNY
Press 1986).
Kenneth K. Inada Nagarjuna: A Translation of his Mulamadhyamakakarika with an
Introductiory Essay(Sri Satguru 1993).
Brian Bocking trans. Nagarjuna in China: A Translation of the Middle Treatise
(Lewiston : Edwin Mellen Press 1995).
Nancy McCagney Nagarjuna and the Philosophy of Openness (Rowman &
Littlefield 1997).
Jay L. Garfield The Fundamental Wisdom of the Middle Way: Nagarjuna’s
Mulamadhyamakakarika (New York: Oxford University Press 1995).
David Burton Emptiness Appraised: A Critical Study of Nagarjuna’s Philosophy
(Richmond Surrey: Curzon 1999).
David Seyfort Ruegg Two Prolegomena to Madhyamaka Philosophy (Studies in
Indian and Tibetan Madhyamaka Thought Part 2) (Wien: Universitat Wien 2002).
Mervyn Sprung Lucid Exposition of the Middle Way: The Essential Chapters from
the Prasannapada of Candrakirti (Boulder: Prajna Press 1979).
T. Stcherbatsky The Conception of Buddhist Nirvana (Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass
Georges B. J. Dreyfus & Sara L. McClintock eds. Svatantrika-Prasangika
Distinction (Somerville MA.: Wisdom 2003).
Kodo Yotsuya The Critique of the Svatantra Reasoning by Candrakirti and
Tsong-kha-pa (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag 1999).,1573

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