
Thursday 15 December 2011

标题:Seminar in Buddhist Praj p ramit 「佛教般若学专题」课程大纲

课程名称:佛教般若学专题 Seminar in Buddhist Praj p ramit
教室:共同 308
Office hours: 星期二(1:20-2:10),星期五(1:20-2:10), at哲学系馆 305

1. 教学目标:本课程的目标,在於透过般若相关经典的研读,讲解,诠释,论陈,以及透过当代学者相关研究的讨论,从而对印度佛教菩提道哲学的特色,建立以经文做为依据的思辨与认识,并且奠定从事专门的佛教研究的基础。
2. 课程定位:本课程定位为研究所层级的专题讨论课,并非大学部一般的导论或通论课。学员必须预先研读本课程大纲所列的主要的课程材料,包括佛教典籍和当代学术论著,在课堂上积极参与讨论,以及按时完成学期作业。每一进度单元所列的「延伸的参考材料」,多少皆具参考价值;若是硕士班研究生,并不硬性规定必读;若是博士班研究生,则要求藉此量力或尽力拓展课程修读的广度,深度,和层级。

3. 内容纲要:印度佛教随著修行讲究上的差异,发展出二大道路:一为解脱道,另一为菩提道。解脱道包括声闻乘和独觉乘,以生命体从世间的捆绑得到解脱为目标,属於初步或基本的讲究。菩提道的目标,则在於全方位成就无上菩提与广泛地利益有情,属於更进一步的讲究。对佛教的实修与义理的探讨,若从解脱道入手,也因此较为容易,并能据以循序渐进。在解脱道形成若干认识之后,有必要把触角继续伸展到菩提道,尤其是以阐扬缘起性空的智慧为要务的《般若经》。人文学门研究所阶段很重要的一环,即培养出面对原典的眼光与能力,再佐以第二手的学术论著或参考材料,发展出思辨与论述的技巧。倘若对原典生疏,不仅谈不上专门的研究,开展不出个人的研究风格,而且对於第二手资料亦难以取舍或断定优劣。有鉴於此,本课程大部分的重点,将放在有关佛教菩提道颇具代表性的《般若经》。如此构想的课程重点有四。第一,阅读《般若经》本身乃不可或缺且不可取代的基础训练,其下限目标在於涵盖玄奘法师翻译的《大般若经·第四会》和《大般若经·第十五会·静虑波罗蜜多分》(大正藏第七册)。每次上课,就选定范围的经文提示重点,诠解义理,进而讨论相关议题。第二,介绍《般若经》文献.第三,讨论般若学相关的概念或课题,例如空,中道,般若,二谛,三乘,实际,严净佛土,一切智智。第四,针对般若学的专门研究的构成部门,例如书目资讯,电子佛典检索,工具书,写作要领,练习运作的技巧。藉由这四大重点的钻研,将可对佛教般若学的议题与关联的学术动态,展开哲学思辨的投石问路之旅。

〔教材〕:《大般若波罗蜜多经(Praj p ramit -s tra)·第四会》,十八卷,唐·玄奘於 660-663 年译,大正藏第七册(T. 220 (4), vol. 7, pp. 763b-865a).《大般若波罗蜜多经(Praj p ramit -s tra)·第十五会·静虑波罗蜜多分》,二卷,唐·玄奘於 660-663 年译,大正藏第七册(T. 220 (15), vol. 7, pp. 1055c-1065c).


【成绩评量】:本课程强调随著课程单元进度,接续展开阅读、思辨、写作、和讨论的练习,藉以历练出绵密且扎实的学养。学员除了预先准备每周的课程材料,整个学期将有三份书面的学习报告;原则上,以课程单元进度所列材料为依据之范围。第七周,第十三周,分别缴交至少3页的学习报告,各占学期成绩 25%.第十八周缴交至少5页的期末报告,并且在课堂上轮流发表期末报告,以及相互讨论,占学期成绩 35%.这三份报告,可散开来针对不同的课题或品目,成为不相统属的习作;也可前后一贯,整合成为一篇论文.报告的写作,要求用心,动脑,特色。平时表现(含出缺席状况)占学期成绩 15%.



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* Robert E. Buswell, Jr. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Buddhism, New York: Macmillan Reference USA, 2004.
* Edward Conze, Materials for a Dictionary of the Praj p ramit Literature, Tokyo: Suzuki Research Foundation, 1973.
* Damien Keown, A Dictionary of Buddhism, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003.
* Lewis R. Lancaster, The Korean Buddhist Canon: A
Descriptive Catalogue, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1979.
* John Powers, A Concise Encyclopedia of Buddhism, Oxford: Oneworld Publications, 2000.
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* 小野玄妙(编纂),《佛书解说大辞典》,共14册,重版,(东京:大东出版社,1968年).
* 中尾良信等(编),《大藏经全解说大事典》(东京:雄山阁出版,1998年).
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* 《佛教伦理学期刊(JBE)》(Journal of Buddhist Ethics:
* 《印度学佛教学研究(INBUDS)(


* 《大般若波罗蜜多经(Praj p ramit -s tra)·第四会》,十八卷,
唐·玄奘於 660-663 年译,大正藏第七册(T. 220 (4), vol. 7, pp. 763b-865a).


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* 福井文雅,《般若心经の总合的研究:历史·社会·资料》(东京:春秋社,2000年).
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* 藤田祥道,〈『五百颂般若经』について:试译(承前)〉,《インド学チベト学研究》第1号(1996年),页86-107.
* 藤近惠市,〈『八千颂般若经』の德について〉,《印度学佛教学研究》第41卷第2号(1993年),页270-273.

* 有关《般若经》的研究书目,有四篇可供参考,故不拟在此重覆罗列这四篇书目所载的庞大文献:

Edward Conze, The Praj p ramit Literature, second edition (revised and enlarged), Bibliographia Philologica
Buddhica, no. 1, Tokyo: The Reiyukai, 1978;

Hanayama Sh y , "A Summary of Various Research on the Praj p ramit Literature by Japanese Scholars," Acta Asiatica 10 (1966): 16-93;

Pierre Beautrix, Bibliographie de la Littérature
Praj p ramit , Bruxelles: Institut Belge des Hautes Etudes Bouddhiques, 1971;



* 《大般若波罗蜜多经(Praj p ramit -s tra)·第十五会·静虑波罗
蜜多分》,二卷,唐·玄奘於 660-663 年译,大正藏第七册(T. 220 (15),
vol. 7, pp. 1055c-1065c).

*《佛说首楞严三昧经( ra≤gama-sam dhi-s tra)》,二卷,姚秦·鸠摩罗什(Kum raj va)於 402-412 年译,大正藏第十五册(T. 642, vol. 15, pp. 629b-645b).
* 蔡耀明,〈《阿含经》的禅修在解脱道的多重功能:附记「色界四禅」的述句与禅定支〉,《正观》第20期(2002年3月),页83-140.
* 蔡耀明,〈解读有关《首楞严三昧经》的四篇前序后记:以《首楞严三昧经》相关文献的探讨为背景〉,《佛学研究中心学报》第8期(2003年),页1-42.
* 蔡耀明,〈《大般若经·第十五会·静虑波罗蜜多分》的禅修教授:做为佛典「摘要写作」的一个练习〉,《中华佛学学报》第17期(2004年),页49-93.
* 忽滑谷快天,《禅学思想史·1·印度部》,郭敏俊译,(台北:大千出版社,2003年).

* Paul J. Griffiths, "Indian Buddhist Meditation,"Buddhist Spirituality: Indian, Southeast Asian, Tibetan, and Early Chinese, edited by Takeuchi Yoshinori, New York:Crossroad, 1995, pp. 34-66.
* Karen Lang, "Meditation as a Tool for Deconstructing the Phenomenal World," The Buddhist Rorum, vol. III, edited by Tadeusz Skorupski and Ulrich Pagel, New Delhi: Heritage Publishers, 1995, pp. 143-159.
* Andrew Skilton, "State or Statement : Sam dhi in Some Early Mah y na Sutras," The Eastern Buddhist 34/2 (2002): 51-116.

* 日本佛教学会(编),《佛教における三昧思想》(京都:平乐寺书店,1976年).
* 长尾雅人,丹治昭义(译),《大乘佛典 7:维摩经,首楞严三昧经》(东京:中央公论社,
年),页373-401; 河村孝照(译),〈佛说首楞严三昧经〉,收录於《文殊经典部(Ⅱ):维摩


* 释印顺,《初期大乘佛教之起源与开展》(台北:正闻出版社,1980年).
* Akira Hirakawa, "The Origins of Mah y na," A History of Indian Buddhism: From kyamuni to Early Mah y na,translated by Paul Groner, Asian Studies at Hawaii, no. 36, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1990, pp. 256-274. (平川彰,《印度佛教史》〈第三章·初期的大乘佛教/第三节·大乘佛教的源流〉,庄昆木译,(台北:商周出版,2002年),页216-232.)

* Akira Hirakawa, "The Contents of Early Mah y na Scriptures," A History of Indian Buddhism: From kyamuni to Early Mah y na, translated by Paul Groner, Asian Studies at Hawaii, no. 36, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1990, pp. 275-295. (平川彰,《印度佛教史》〈第三章·初期的大乘佛教/第四节·初期大乘经典的思想〉,庄昆木译,(台北:商周出版,2002年),页232-249.)

* Heinz Bechert, "Mah y na Literature in Sri Lanka: The Early Phase," Praj p ramit and Related Systems: Studies in Honor of Edward Conze, edited by Lewis Lancaster, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1977, pp. 361-370.
* L. S. Cousins, "S kiyabhikkhu / Sakyabhikkhu / kyabhik≈u: A Mistaken Link to the Mah y na " Nagoya Studies in Indian Culture and Buddhism: Sa≤bh ≈ 23 (2003): 1-27.
* Mahinda Deegalle, "A Search for Mah y na in Sri Lanka," The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 22/2 (1999): 343-357.
* Nalinaksha Dutt, Mah y na Buddhism, revised edition, Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 1978.
* Paul Harrison, "Who Gets to Ride in the Great Vehicle Self-Image and Identity Among the Followers of the Early Mah y na," The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 10/1 (1987): 67-90.
* Paul Harrison, "The Earliest Chinese Translations of Mah y na Buddhist S tras: Some Notes on the Works of Lokak≈ema," Buddhist Stuies Review 10/2 (1993): 135-177.
* Paul Harrison, "Searching for the Origins of the Mah y na: What are We Looking For " The Eastern Buddhist, New Series 28/1 (1995): 48-69.
* Paul Harrison, "Mediums and Messages: Reflections on the Production of Mah y na S tras," The Eastern Buddhist 35/1-2 (2003): 115-151.
* Leslie S. Kawamura, (ed.), The Bodhisattva Doctrine in Buddhism, Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1981.
* Minoru Kiyota (ed.), Mah y na Buddhist Meditation: Theory and Practice. Honolulu: The University Press of Hawaii, 1978.
* Hajime Nakamura, Indian Buddhism: A Survey with Bibliographical Notes, Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 1987.
* Aramaki Noritoshi, "Towards a New Working Hypothesis on the Origin of Mah y na Buddhism," The Eastern Buddhist 35/1-2 (2003): 203-218.
* Peter Pfandt (compiler), Mah y na Texts Translated into Western Languages: A Bibliographical Guide, Boon: Universit t Boon, 1983.
* Rhi Juhyung, "Early Mah y na and Gandh ran Buddhism: An Assessment of the Visual Evidence," The Eastern Buddhist 35/1-2 (2003): 152-202.
* Gregory Schopen, Bones, Stones, and Buddhist Monks: Collected Papers on the Archaeology, Epigraphy, and Texts of Monastic Buddhism in India, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1997.
* Gregory Schopen, "The Mah y na and the Middle Period in Indian Buddhism: Through a Chinese Looking-glass," The Eastern Buddhist 32/2 (2000): 1-25.
* Gregory Schopen, "Mah y na," Encyclopedia of Buddhism, edited by Robert E. Buswell, Jr., New York: Macmillan Reference USA, 2004, pp. 492-499.
* Gregory Schopen, Buddhist Monks and Business Matters: Still More Papers on Monastic Buddhism in India, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2004.
* Sasaki Shizuka, "A Study on the Origin of Mah y na
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* Jonathan A. Silk,"What, If Anything, is Mah y na Buddhism : Problems of Definitions and Classifications," Numen 49 (2002): 355-405.
* Paul Williams, "Introduction," Mah y na Buddhism: The Doctrinal Foundations, London: Routledge, 1989, pp. 1-33.

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