
Thursday, 15 March 2012


The Abhidhamma Version of the Theory of Perception
by Y Karunadasa
(volume 75:4 p. 211) February 2001

The Abhidhamma theory of perception is the subject of a study made by E R Sarathchandra in his Buddhist Psychology of Perception . In this article we shall refer to it where necessary while making our own observations. Besides, we propose to refer to the theory of perception, developed by the Vaibhasikas and the Sautrantikas, wherever it helps to provide a better understanding of the Theravada version of the theory.

What could be considered as the earliest Buddhist teaching pertaining to sense-perception is found in the Madhupindika Sutta of the Majjhima Nikaya. As far as the Theravada is concerned, its subsequent version in its most developed form is found in the post-canonical commentaries and Abhidhamma compendiums. Although the two versions differ in some important aspects, there is one feature that is common to both. This is the fact that an act of complete perception does not arise as an immediate result of the contact between the organ and the sense-object. Perception is regarded as involving a process of thought that begins as a simple sensation and ends up with the complete apprehension of the object.

For background to our subject, let us first examine briefly the earlier version of the theory. According to this, a process of perception consists of six stages. The first stage is (for example) visual consciousness ( cakkhuvinnana ), which arises with the visual organ and a visible object as its conditions. Here the context demands that we understand visual consciousness not as an act of complete perception but as some kind of bare sensation that occurs before the object is fully apprehended. In the Abhidhamma version too the term is understood in the same sense. The second stage of the process is sensory impression ( phassa ). It is defined as the co-ordination among the sense-organ, the sense-object and sense-consciousness ( tinnam sangati phasso ). The third stage is vedana or feeling. It refers to the hedonic tone or the emotional value of the experience so obtained. The fourth stage is sanna or perception. The fact that sanna occurs after vinnana (bare sensation) shows that the former represents a more complex form of awareness. If, as mentioned above, vinnana refers to mere sensory awareness, sanna seems to suggest a state of awareness obtained by introducing distinctions to the earlier stage of bare awareness. The fifth stage of the process is vitakka , which is usually translated as 'the initial application of thought'. This seems to suggest a stage where the object of perception becomes an object of interpretation. The sixth and last stage of the process is called papanca , which may be explained as 'expansion' or 'diffusion' of thought. Bhikkhu Nanananda in his Concept and Reality observes that papanca here means 'prolificity in ideation' and that it 'hints at the tendency of the individual's imagination to break loose'. We may, therefore, interpret papanca as a very complex level of experience that is tainted by the individual's own desires and prejudices.

Now one important question that arises here is this: of the six stages described above, which stage should be considered as the final stage of sense-perception? Sarathchandra and also Bhikkhu Nanananda believe that it is the stage called papanca that should be considered the final one. However, it seems more reasonable to consider sanna , which in the above process is the fourth stage, as the final stage of sense-perception. What follows after sanna could be understood not as a process of sense-perception but as a purely ideational process set up by a process of perception. In point of fact, both Sarathchandra and Bhikkhu Nanananda explain the stages subsequent to sanna as a process of interpretation and judgement.

As generally understood, the Buddhist term for perception is sanna , not papanca . This is also suggested by the fact that in the Pali suttas the unenlightened ordinary person is said to cognize things by way of sanna ( sanjanati ). In contrast, the enlightened person cognizes things by way of abhinna ( abhijanati ) and parinna ( parijanati ). The contrast between sanna , on the one hand, and abhinna and parinna , on the other, refers to two levels of knowledge corresponding to the ordinary worldling and to the enlightened person. Our suggestion that sanna represents what early Buddhism means by sense-perception has direct relevance to a proper understanding of the Abhidhamma version of the theory of perception.

The Abhidhamma version of the theory of perception differs from the previous one in that it is based on two new developments. One is the theory of moments, which we have discussed previously. The other is the theory of bhavanga or the unconscious. As this latter theory is intimately connected with our subject of discussion, we propose to examine it here briefly.

The theory of bhavanga is an Abhidhammic development that, as Sarathchandra observes, seeks to provide an answer to a problem left unexplained in early Buddhist psychology. In early Buddhism consciousness is described as a mental phenomenon that can never arise without the appropriate conditions. It is not regarded as a permanent entity residing within the human body and manifesting itself in mental activity. It is not something that lies dormant when mental activities do not operate. Then the question arises as to the position of consciousness on such occasions as when perceptual activities are apparently completely still, such as in deep, dreamless sleep. What would explain the uninterrupted continuity of the life process? Hence it is very likely that, as Sarathchandra observes, it was as a solution to this problem that the theory of bhavanga came to be developed.

To this we may add another reason. This has reference to the Buddhist teaching on sannavedayita-nirodha . This is the attainment of the highest level of concentration, when all sense-activity comes to a complete end. In such a situation what happens to the mind? If nirodha-samapatti means the suspension of all mental activities, how could one who has attained it emerge from it? This was a problem that confronted the various schools of Buddhist thought, and it was as an answer to this that the Sautrantikas posited a suksma-citta , a subtle consciousness that persists during the nirodha-samapatti . That the theory of bhavanga was intended as a solution to both is clear from the Milindapanha. Here, in an answer to a question raised by King Milinda, Nagasena says that on two occasions the mind does not function in the body ( sarire cittam appavattam hoti ), i.e. during deep sleep and during nirodha-samapatti . It is therefore maintained that when a man is in deep sleep his mind has 'gone into bhavanga ' ( cittam bhavangagatam ). This implies that the same is true of nirodha-sampatti .

What is called bhavanga , then, means the unconscious, a kind of anoetic consciousness. The fact that it is described as bhavanga-sota , the stream of the unconscious, shows that, like the normal, surface consciousness, it too operates as a series of momentary events. The theory of bhavanga is resorted to for explaining not only occasions when surface mental activity ceases but also the Buddhist teaching on rebirth. Hence it is maintained that the last moment before death and the first moment at rebirth are also two varieties of bhavanga consciousness.

What is the relevance of the theory of bhavanga to the theory of sense-perception? If bhavanga means the unconscious process, it does not continue to persist when a conscious thought-process operates. This means that the former does not function as an undercurrent when we are conscious. The two processes alternate in the sense that when one ceases, the other begins to operate. They alternate continually in such a manner that every act of sense-perception is immediately preceded and succeeded by the bhavanga consciousness. The series of the bhavanga consciousness flows on undisturbed as long as there is no conscious thought to interfere with it. A stream of surface consciousness, which is a process of perception, is called citta-vithi. Therefore, the unconscious when it remains undisturbed is called vithi-mutta , i.e. free from a perceptual process.

Now let us examine how bhavanga and the theory of moments become a basis for the Abhidhamma theory of perception. As we have already mentioned, both according to early Buddhism and the Abhidhamma a series of mental events is necessary in order to culminate in complete perception. In the Abhidhamma such a thought process is called cittavithi and is said to consist of 17 thought-moments. Before we examine why the number is fixed at 17, let us see how the process begins.

When a visual object, for instance, comes within the range of the eye, it makes an impact on the sensitive portion of the eye. By the force of that impact there is set up a vibration in the unconscious. This vibration in the unconscious occurs during two moments. During the first moment, which is called bhavanga-calana , the unconscious stream gets disturbed. During the second moment, called bhavangupaccheda , the unconscious stream gets interrupted. The disturbance and the subsequent interruption are both due to the force exerted by the material object before it comes to be fully cognized. With the immediate interruption of the unconscious, a stream of surface consciousness arises, which has seven stages.

The first stage is called avajjana or attention. It is at this stage that the conscious mind turns its attention to the material object. This focusing of attention is a passive reaction on the part of the individual to the impact of the external stimulus. The second stage is called cakkhu-vinnana or visual consciousness. This is not full cognition but bare awareness. It is defined as dassana-matta , the mere awareness of the presence of the object. It does not produce any kind of knowledge ( pancahi vinnanehi na kan ci dhammam pativijanati ). The third stage is sampaticchana , i.e. receiving or welcoming the object. It is at this stage that the mind assimilates it. The fourth stage is santirana or investigation. The object that has been assimilated now begins to be investigated. The fifth stage is votthapana , when the object begins to be determined. The sixth stage is javana , which is the Abhidhamma term for full perception or cognition. It is at this stage that the mind experiences ( anubhavati ) the object. It is on javana, therefore, that the process of perception culminates. The last stage, which is called tadarammana , refers to the act of registering the object.

This process of perception, which begins with the vibration in the unconscious and ends with the registration of the object, is a process of thought-moments, which arise and perish in rapid succession. Therefore, to each of its different phases an appropriate number of moments are assigned: the first seven phases are each assigned one moment. Of the last two phases, javana is said to occur during seven moments, i.e. it vibrates seven times. The last, which is tadarammana , is assigned two moments. Thus we have in all 16 thought-moments. This number is made up to 17 by adding one moment of thought at the very beginning of the perceptual process.

The additional thought-moment is said to occur immediately before the material object makes an impression on the sense-organ. It is introduced by the technical term atita-bhavanga . Its recognition seems to be due to two reasons. A moment of matter, unlike a moment of thought, is said to exert its influence not at the time of its origination but at the time of its duration. It thus follows that when a material object impinges on a sense-organ, it does so during its moment of duration. Therefore, its time of origination has to be considered as a time of preparation to exert its impact. A second reason for the recognition of the additional moment can be seen in light of the statement that there is always a momentary gap between two thought-processes. This gap is represented by bhavanga , the unconscious. This means, in other words, that bhavanga intervenes between two thought-processes. Quite probably it is in order to recognize this situation that another moment was added to the very beginning of the perceptual process.

Continued in The Middle Way February 2001 p. 215 (volume 75: 4)

Wednesday, 14 March 2012


[ 作者: 陈瑞熏 来自:硕博文库 已阅:2757 时间:2006-9-26 录入:gaoshentao

【英文标题】An Analysis of “samanta-bhadra-carya-pranidhana” based on Logothreapy -- focus on “fifty-three visits of sudhana-sresthi-daraka”



【英文摘要】The subject of this research is trying to find out all the possibilities and characteristics for developing the Logotherapy of Buddhism. We have taken Logotherapy by Viktor E. Frankl, as the background index and focused our research on the “gaNDavyUha-sUtra”. We have studied and analyzed the example of “fifty-three visits of sudhana-zreSThi dAraka”, strove to reach the pinnacle of “samanta-bhadra-caryA-praNidhAna”.The “samanta-bhadra-caryA-praNidhAna”, which enables samanta-bhadra-bodhisattva himself to grow enormously, has influenced people all over the world, especially sudhana-zreSThi dAraka. sudhana-zreSThi wanted to follow the spirit of “samanta- bhadra-caryA-praNidhAna” and indeed finished his fifty-three visits. We try to explore the deep meaning of Logotherapy through sudhana-zreSThi dAraka visits as well as all kinds of friends that the saints, or devout worshippers of Buddha, have taught.
If we can start the dialog between Western Logotherapy and the Logotherapy of Buddhism, then no matter how one goes about the “samanta-bhadra-caryA-praNidhAna” or the “fifty- three visits of sudhana-zreSThi dAraka”, both can reveal the spirit of mahA-yAna, which means if we can help ourselves, then we can help other people. This will enable us to learn how to see various things in the world through the explanatory views of “Hua Yan”. It would also help us more easily and quickly make key decisions and choices on difficult matters in our lives. We also suggest that people face all of life obstacles by examining them through a broad range of perspectives befoe acting on them. We should try to invite more people into our lives and help each other improve our lives. In so doing, we believe that we can build up a vigorous, nergetic and healthy ,life view which will enable us to help ourselves and others.


第壹章 绪论 1
第一节 研究动机与问题意识 1
一、个人动机──从个人安身立命谈起 1
二、学术动机与问题意识 2
第二节 研究范围 3
第三节 历来相关研究回顾 4
一、有关“意义治疗”之研究 5
二、“普贤行”及“善财童子参访”相关之研究 9
第四节 文献依据与研究方法 11
第五节 研究目标 13
第贰章 西方“意义治疗”之理论及“佛教意义治疗”的可能发展 15
第一节 西方“意义治疗”之思想源头 16
一、倡导者──傅朗克 16
二、“意义治疗”思想之滥觞及背景 18
第二节 “意义治疗”理论与特色 19
一、“意义治疗”之基本理论 20
(一)基本原理 21
(二)人生意义具有三种价值 21
(三)精神高度之生存意义探索 23
二、“意义治疗”之特色 24
(一)极度肯定人存在之独特性 24
(二)协助患者建立健全的生死观 24
(三)乐观的生命态度 25
(四)进入灵性之意义治疗 25
第三节 佛教意义治疗之可能发展 25
一、从观察、解决痛苦出发 26
(一)寻找对治之道──四圣谛的提示 27
(二)放下自我──观察五蕴 28
(三)浅尝即止──截断觉受的漫延 28
(四)道品增上──三十七道品的修学 29
(五)生命格局的开展──自利与利他 31
二、佛法救度学之意义 32
(一)逆境所显发之积极态度 32
(二)转凡成圣──圣贤与凡俗之交涉 33
三、佛教的终极关怀──积极进取、无限开展之生命观 34
第参章 普贤菩萨与“普贤行” 37
第一节 普贤菩萨之名 37
一、梵文意义之“普贤” 38
二、经论对“普贤”之定义 38
第二节 普贤菩萨的身分 41
一、诸佛之长子 41
二、近代学者之研究 42
第三节 “普贤行”中之十大愿王 43
一、普贤十大愿王 44
(一)礼敬诸佛 44
(二)称赞如来 46
(三)广修供养 46
(四)忏悔业障 47
(五)随喜功德 49
(六)请转法轮 50
(七)请佛住世 51
(八)常随佛学 52
(九)恒顺众生 53
(十)普皆回向 54
二、“普贤行”为菩萨行之基础与究极表现 56
(一)“普贤行”之意义 56
(二)“普贤行”为菩萨行之基础与究极表现 57
三、以十大愿王统摄“普贤行” 59
第四节 普贤菩萨修行之特色 61
一、他力、自力融摄之修行 61
二、精进不懈的精神 63
三、行愿相资 66
四、自在出入法界 67
五、无限格局为修行舞台 69
第肆章 “普贤行”与善财童子五十三参 71
第一节 善财童子与其参访之动机 71
一、善财童子──“普贤行”之实践者 71
二、善财参访善友之动机 72
(一)依发心而成就佛道 74
1、发菩提心因缘 75
2、菩提心之内涵 75
(二)显发善知识在修行引导的重要性 77
1、“善知识”之定义 77
2、“善知识”于佛法修行的意义 78
第二节 善知识与“普贤行”的关系 80
第三节 诸善知识及所教授的法门 82
一、诸善知识的真正身分 82
二、“法门”在佛法修行中的定义 83
三、诸善知识所教授之法门 84
(一)比丘、比丘尼组群 85
1、【1】德云比丘(《大正》10,页334上-334下) 86
2、【2】海云比丘(《大正》10,页335上-336中) 88
3、【3】善住比丘(《大正》10,页336中-337中) 89
4、【6】海幢比丘(《大正》10,页340中-342下) 90
5、【11】善见比丘(《大正》10,页349中-350中) 91
6、【24】师子频申比丘尼(《大正》10,页363上-365上) 92
组群小结 93
(二)长者组群 95
1、【5】解脱长者(《大正》10,页338中-340上) 95
2、【15】法宝髻长者(《大正》10,页353下-354中) 96
3、【16】普眼长者(《大正》10,页354中-355上) 98
4、【21】优钵罗华长者(《大正》10,页360下-361中) 98
5、【23】无上胜长者(《大正》10,页362中-363上) 100
6、【46】坚固解脱长者(《大正》10,页419上) 101
7、【47】妙月长者(《大正》10,页419上-419中) 102
8、【48】无胜军长者(《大正》10,页419中) 103
组群小结 104
(三)优婆夷组群 105
1、【7】休舍优婆夷(《大正》10,页343上-345上) 105
2、【13】具足优婆夷(《大正》10,页351中-352中) 106
3、【19】不动优婆夷(《大正》10,页358上-359下) 107
4、【45】贤胜优婆夷(《大正》10,页418下-419上) 108
组群小结 109
(四)居士组群 110
1、【14】明智居士(《大正》10,页352中-353中) 110
2、【26】鞞瑟胝罗居士(《大正》10,页366上-366下) 111
组群小结 111
(五)童子、童女组群 112
1、【10】慈行童女(《大正》10,页348上-349中) 112
2、【12】自在主童子(《大正》10,页350中-351上) 113
3、【44】善知众艺童子(《大正》10,页418上-418下) 113
4、【50】德生童子、有德童女(《大正》10,页419下-422中) 114
组群小结 115
(六)国王组群 117
1、【17】无厌足王(《大正》10,页355上-356上) 117
2、【18】大光王(《大正》10,页356上-358上) 118
组群小结 119
(七)菩萨组群 119
1、【27】观自在菩萨(《大正》10,页366下-367中) 119
2、【28】正趣菩萨(《大正》10,页367中-367下) 120
3、【51】弥勒菩萨(《大正》10,页422中-439上) 121
4、【52】文殊菩萨(《大正》10,页439中-440上) 122
5、【53】普贤菩萨(《大正》10,页440上-444下) 123
组群小结 124
(八)婆罗门、外道组群 125
1、【9】胜热婆罗门(《大正》10,页346上-348上) 125
2、【20】遍行出家外道(《大正》10,页360上-360下) 127
3、【49】最寂静婆罗门(《大正》10,页419中-419下) 128
组群小结 128
(九)天神等组群 129
1、【29】大天神(《大正》10,页367下-368中) 130
2、【30】安住主地神(《大正》10,页368上-368中) 130
3、【31】婆珊婆演底主夜神(《大正》10,页369上-371下) 131
4、【32】普德净光主夜神(《大正》10,页372上-372下) 132
5、【33】喜目观察众生夜神(《大正》10,页372下-378上) 132
6、【34】普救众生妙德夜神(《大正》10,页378上-384上) 132
7、【35】寂静音海主夜神(《大正》10,页384上-387下) 133
8、【36】守护一切城增长威力主夜神(《大正》10,页387下-390中) 133
9、【37】开敷一切树华主夜神(《大正》10,页390中-396上) 133
10、【38】大愿精进力救护一切众生夜神(《大正》10,页396中-401下) 133
11、【39】妙德圆满园神(《大正》10,页401下-405中) 134
组群小结 135
(十)释种女、摩耶夫人与天主光女 136
1、【40】瞿波释种女(《大正》10,页405下-412下) 136
2、【41】摩耶夫人(《大正》10,页412下-417中) 136
3、【42】天主光女(《大正》10,页417中-417下) 137
组群小结 137
(十一)其它组群 138
1、【4】弥伽人(《大正》10,页337中-338中) 138
2、【8】毘目瞿沙仙人(《大正》10,页345上-346上) 139
3、【22】婆施罗船师(《大正》10,页361中-362中) 140
4、【25】婆须蜜多女(《大正》10,页365上-366上) 141
5、【43】遍友童子师(《大正》10,页417下-418上) 142
组群小结 143
第伍章 善财童子五十三参之“普贤行”中的意义治疗 145
第一节 生命内涵 145
一、生命之“实然”与“应然” 145
二、生命之代谢与超越 146
第二节 “五十三参”所显发“佛教意义治疗”的内涵 150
一、善财童子为代表之“普贤行者”的生命观 150
(一)谦虚的求道精神 151
(二)积极进取的修行态度 151
(三)自度、化他的解脱观 151
二、五十三参中诸法门所展现之“佛教意义治疗” 152
(一)诸善知识之身分与法门之关系 152
(二)诸善友教导法门所展现之“佛教意义治疗” 154
1、“自度、化他”的意义治疗 154
2、“缘起”为基础的意义治疗 155
3、智慧为导的意义治疗 156
4、行愿为依的意义治疗 156
5、“华严式”的意义治疗 157
第三节 西方“意义治疗”与“佛法意义治疗”之比较 158
一、从痛苦中超拔而出的立场出发 158
二、生命层次与内涵的提升 159
三、“华严式”的诠解眼光 160
(一)圆融无碍的华严法界 161
(二)自度、化他融摄互资 162
第陆章 结论 163
第一节 研究成果 163
第二节 本研究的可能发展 164
参考书目 167
一、原典资料 167
二、中文数据 168
(一)图书 168
(二)博硕士学位论文 170
(三)期刊资料 171
(四)其它 172
三、外文资料 172
(一)日文专书与学术论文 172
(二)日文期刊 173
(三)英文专书 174
(四)英文期刊 175
四、工具书 176

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

善用法门 趣正法城









Friday, 9 March 2012

Mrs. Rhys Davids' Dialogue with Psychology (1893-1924)

By Teresina Rowell Havens
Philosophy East & West
V. 14 (1964)
pp. 51-58
Copyright 1964 by University of Hawaii Press 


"THE BUDDHIST CONCEPTION Of consciousness is, I venture to think, better understood as a mental electrification of the organism than in terms of any other natural force." [1]

This was written forty years ago, before electroencephalograms had been heard of. The author, Mrs. Caroline Rhys Davids, was both a student of psychology and a pioneer translator of early Buddhist texts from Paali into English. The passage quoted above illustrates two characteristics of her early scholarly work: (1) her concern to find the most precise available equivalent in the scientific thought of her own time to convey various aspects of the Paali Buddhist view of how the mind works; and (2) the extent to which she was ahead of her time.

It often happens that a scholar's work will be ignored for many years and then suddenly become relevant to the concerns of a much later epoch. It is the thesis of the present article that this has been true of Mrs. Rhys Davids, and that the time has now come when her earlier work can enter into a fruitful dialogue with the thought of our age.


The cultural time-gap was complicated in her case by personal problems. For one thing, her time failed to provide a community of scholars--Orientalists or others--interested in psychology who might have taken her hypotheses seriously enough to undertake to disprove or to modify them in scholarly debate. For another, her most creative period was over before many Western psychologists and psychotherapists had come to be interested in what they could learn from Buddhist approaches to mental and emotional processes. Unfortunately, or so it appears from our present perspective, Mrs.
Rhys Davids herself moved during the 20s from her early interest in the psychological to a preoccupation with the psychic, inspired by the death of her only son in the First World War, This interest led her to stress texts dealing with clairvoyance, clairaudience, and communication with "other worlds" to a degree unacceptable to the predominant Western academic frame of reference, at the time she was writing and now, (We need not speak of circles interested in ESP and psychical research, since they did not and do not impinge heavily on the academic world.) Her interest in these directions took such an increasingly predominant place in her later books that scholars could no longer take her conclusions seriously. This led to the ignoring also of her earlier, more scholarly studies in Buddhist psychology.

Since most of this early solid work was as editor and translator of Paali texts, it is chiefly in Introductions and footnotes that her ideas may be found, Regarding the early awakening of her psychological interest, the following note appears in the Introduction to A Buddhist Manual of Psychological Ethics:

Even a superficial inspection of the Manual should yield great promise to anyone interested in the history of psychology. When... my attention was first drawn to it... by Professor Rhys Davids, I was at once attracted by the amount of psychological material embedded in its pages.[2]

In a series of long introductory essays in each successive volume of Kindred Sayings[3] and Gradual Sayings,[4] she relates her detailed study of technical Paali terms to her broad interests in the workings of the human mind, Western as well as Eastern. This feeling for wider implications is reflected in the following query from her Introduction to Buddhist Psychology:[5] "How far does the greater richness of Buddhist intellectual nomenclature correspond to a greater manifold in modes of knowing or of knowledge?" In other

words, does a distinction of terms for which we have no equivalents indicate potential levels of inner experience of which we are unaware? Could a Westerner experience these subtleties if he pursued Buddhist training? Supposing that he did experience distinctions of psychic reality corresponding to the terms in question, how could he translate them into English or communicate them verbally to a person whose culture has no words for them? One of the best examples of this kind of problem is the still-vexing term jhaana, which has suffered through a series of mistranslation such as "trance," "ecstasy," "musing," etc. The difficulty lies deeper than the merely verbal. Is it possible that no adequate English term has been found because we have no precisely equivalent discipline in Western religious tradition?

These are the kinds of questions which interdisciplinary research today could begin to answer by combining the resources of Western psychology, anthropology, and linguistics with both Paali expertness and living Buddhist experience. This collaboration seems more feasible, now that subjective data are becoming recognized by some scientific psychologists in the West as proper material for investigation.

Although her times were not ripe for this sort of dialogue, Mrs. Rhys Davids realized in her work of translation that technical psychological terms--on the English as well as on the Paali side--are part of a system with certain assumptions about the nature of mind. Therefore, if the translator is to communicate with Western readers, she must know, not only what a given technical term means in Paali, but also the technical connotation of its English equivalent in current psychological systems. Hence, Mrs. Rhys Davids dug into British psychological works to ascertain as far as possible the exact connotations of such terms as "cognition," "sensation," "feeling," "perception," and "faculties."[6] Many footnotes and entire articles were concerned with working out the closest equivalents for such terms as "vi~n~naana," "indriya," "aayatana," "upaadaana," and the like. At the same time, she was extremely careful to avoid premature parallels. For example, in discussing the technical meaning of ruupa^m she notes:

Ruupa.m would ... appear at first sight to be a name for the external world or for the extended universe, as contrasted with the unextended, mental, psychical or subjective universe. Personally I do not find, so far, that the Eastern and Western concepts can be so easily made to coincide. It will be better before, and indeed without as yet, arriving at any such conclusive judgment, to inquire into the application made of the term in the Manual generally.[7]

She explored the backgrounds of psychological inquiry in ancient Greece as well as in pre-Buddhist India in order to evaluate the significance of the Buddhist discoveries. For example, she considers the's analysis of types of sensation to be "... the first academic formulation of a theory of sense which ancient India has hitherto produced for us. There is no such analysis of sensation ... put forward in any Indian book of an equally early date."[8]

She quotes from Siebeck's Geschichte der Psychologie[9] concerning Empedokles' theory of sensation or sense-cognition, and observes that Demokritus regarded all sensation as either bare touch or development of touch--a view which, she notes, "is borne out to a great extent by modern biological research." [10]

As she dug deeper into both the technical Buddhist analysis of states of mind and the over-all system behind it, she was struck by the paradoxical truth that Buddhism stresses conscious will, attention, feeling, choice--"just those mental activities ...which seem most to imply a subject, or subjective unity who attends, feels, wills and chooses. And yet this same philosophy is emphatically one that attempts to 'extrude the ego.' "[11]

It is this psychologizing without a psyche that impressed me from the first, and seemed to bring the work, for all its remoteness in other respects, nearer to our own Experiential school of and since Locke, than anything we find in Greek traditions.[12]

And if there was one thing which moved the Master to quit his wonted serenity and wield the lash of scorn and upbraiding, it was just the reading into this convenient generalization of mind or personality that "metaphysical concept of a soul, mind-atom, or mind-stuff," which is put aside by the modern psychologist.[13]

This vehement, almost violent anti-substantialism of early Buddhism stimulated her to look into Aristotle's De Anima in order to contrast his notions of "soul" and "substance" with the Buddhist. Her subsequent reflections, as set down in the Introductory Essay prefacing Buddhist Psychological


Ethics,[14] can only be summarized here. (The Buddhist Manual was probably written during Aristotle's childhood.)

Aristotle, in applying his theory of mind as a potential "form" which energizes the body, went far "to resolve mind into phenomenal processes."[15] "But he did not, or would not, wrench himself radically out of the primitive the Buddhist dared to do."[16] Hence, Greek thought remained "saturated with substantialist methods"[17a] and passed them on to the medieval world strengthened by the "animistic standpoint" of the Patristic Christian philosophy.

Modern science, however, has been gradually training the popular mind to a phenomenalistic point of view, and joining hands in psychology with the anti-substantialist tradition of Hume.[17b]

Mrs. Rhys Davids then proceeds to consider a deeply-ingrained tendency of the human mind which lends support to the "philosophical elaboration of soul-theory into Substantialism," namely, the tendency to subsume the particular under the general:

That is to say, this perceiving and judging, by way of generalizing and unifying, is the only way by which we are able to master the infinite diversities and approximate uniformities of phenomena ...Knowledge groups all phenomena under a few aspects of all but supreme generality....

But, after all, this is only the ideal method and economy of intellect. The stenographer's ideal is to compress recorded matter into the fewest symbols by which he can reproduce faithfully.... Psychology teaches us to distinguish our fetches of abstraction and generalization for what they are psychologically-i.e. for effective mental shorthand.... The philosophical concept of the One is pregnant with powerful associations. To what extent is it simply ... a mathematical symbol in a hypothetical cosmos of carefully selected data, whence the infinite concrete is eliminated lest it "should flow in over us" and overwhelm us?[18]

Here Mrs. Rhys Davids has anticipated the approach of several contemporary Western writers to an understanding of the functional anti-conceptualism of Zen. How many obscure scholars may have received stimulation from her introduction to the it is impossible to guess, but it did not enter into a stream of dialogue, partly because neither the philosophy of process nor phenomenological psychology (i.e., concerned with the

subject's own experience as starting point) had yet come into prominence. Had she been writing today, she might have found a parallel to the Buddhist approach in Harry Stack Sullivan's and other contemporary psychologists' protests against what they consider the out-dated notion of an inner psyche. For Sullivan, "personality" or "individuality" is a hypothetical entity postulated to account for dynamic interpersonal processes and relationships.[19] Mrs. Rhys Davids called attention to this problem---common to Buddhism and to nineteenth- and twentieth-century psychology--of distinguishing between a metaphysical concept of the soul and a functional phenomenological one. She noted that Ward had revived the concept of an Ego or Subject- of mental states, and that all psychologists, even Hume, find it necessary to assume some sort of a mind or conscious subject as a psychological but not a metaphysical concept. In much the same way, she pointed out, Buddhists use the following terms as convenient fictions:[20]

attabhaavo---selfhood or personality, for which Buddhaghosa himself half apologizes;
ajjhatika^m---belonging to the self, subject;
citta^m, mano, and ui~n~n~aanam---"the mind" or "thinking."

In order to avoid the use of "attaa" (Paali for "aatman," which carried the implication of a permanent, static entity outside of causal relations), they were careful, especially in the nominative case, to use the expression "svaya^m" (this one). In oblique cases, "attaa" was usually retained, as she herself noted in a footnote.[21] This fact becomes of significance for Mrs. Rhys Davids' later reversal of position. In her later works,[22] she picked out a number of references to "attaa" in the accusative or other oblique cases and re-translated it as "The Self," "Soul," or "God Within," whereas she or other translators had previously rendered it as a simple reflexive. How did this change in her emphasis come about?


We have seen with what open eyes the youthful scholar confronted the full contradiction or paradox involved in the Buddhist position. As she grew older, however, this dialectical "psychologizing without a psyche" no longer


seemed to her to do justice to the positive side of the Buddhist path. Confronted at once by the negative anti-becoming formulae of later Singhalese monk-editors and by the impressions of Schopenhauer and other Western thinkers that the Buddha taught "negation of the will to live," Mrs. Rhys Davids felt a mission to publicize the great emphasis which she discovered in early Buddhist texts on spiritual growth, stirring up energy, "making-become" a desired state of mind, etc.

Her favorite tool in this connection was the unearthing of what she called "left-ins": fragments which betray an orientation clearly distinguishable from that of the later monastic editors, and which therefore may be presumed to be remnants of an "original gospel." This is a legitimate device, if properly used, familiar in the "quest of the historical Jesus." With its help, Mrs. Rhys Davids unearthed considerable evidence that the term "becoming" (bhava), later "blacklisted through the growing vogue of monkdom," had originally had a positive connotation. She adduced such terms as

bhabba -- "bound to become" (=Sanskrit bhavya) ... somewhat parallel to the English-Christian idiom of a man who is "saved";
bhavasuddhi -- "salvation in (or of, or by) becoming."[23]

These "left-ins" carry weight because they are not merely isolated fragments, but can be correlated with such key parables as the Hen and the Chicks which stress the disciples' potential for spiritual breakthrough. Mrs. Rhys Davids' labors up to this point provided basic foundations for the recognition that, for Gotama, the self was a process. Even T.R.V. Murti, although he disagrees with Mrs. Rhys Davids' later revival of a Great Self, should acknowledge the debt to her pioneer efforts implicit in his conclusion: "The Real, for Buddhism, is Becoming."[24]

But "becoming" without someone who becomes did not satisfy her for long. Increasingly, as the one-time pioneer grew older, she felt that Gotama's stress on "will" (albeit without a word for it) seemed to call for a "willer," which she then proceeded to find in the Paali texts by uncritically retranslating fragments out of context, translating reflexives as "The Self," and other arbitrary procedures. As this phase of her work has been demolished many 


times, it is not necessary to deal with it further here, except to stress the fact that the one-sided conclusions of her later years by no means invalidate the "left-in" method of "higher criticism" nor the importance of continuing to seek further light on her question: "What did Gotama really teach?" Rich treasures still await a more scholarly and careful examination of early strata of the documents, especially if combined with the kind of dialogue between Oriental studies and contemporary psychology in which Mrs. Rhys Davids pioneered.

1. Mrs. C.A.F. Rhys Davids, Buddhist Psychology: An Inquiry into the Analysis and Theory of Mind in Pali Literature (2nd ed., London: Luzac and Co., 1924),p. 16.

2. Caroline A. F. Rhys Davids, ed., A Buddhist Manual of Psychological Ethics of the Fourth Century B.C., being A Translation, now made for the First Time, from the Original Pali, of the First Book in the Abhidhamma Pi.taka entitled (Compendium of States or Phenomena) (1st ed., London: Royal Asiatic Society. Oriental Translation Fund. New Series. Vol. XII. 1900), p. xvi.

3. Mrs. Rhys Davids, ed., The Book of the Kindred Sayings (Sa^myutta-Nikaaya),5 vols. Vols. I and II translated by Mrs. Rhys Davids; Vols. III, IV, and V translated by F. L. Woodward (London: Pali Text Society, 1917, 1922, 1925, 1927, 1930).

4. Mrs. Rhys Davids, ed., The Book of the Gradual sayings (Anguttara-Nikaaya). 5 vols. Vols. I, II, and V translated by F. L.Woodward; Vols. III and IV translated by E. M. Hare (London: Pali Text Society, 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936).

5. Mrs. Rhys Davids, Buddhist Psychology, p. 120.

6. Parallel research in the 1960s would find it necessary to re-examine such translations as "illusion," "repressionist," and other terms which have come to have a particular technical meaning in the Freudian system today.

7. Mrs. Rhys, Davids, Introduction to A Buddhist Manual of Psychological Ethics, p. xlii.

8. Ibid., p. li. (Author's italics.)

9. Hermann Siebeck, Geschichte der Psychologie (Gotha: F. A. Perthes, 1880), Vol. I, p. 107.

10. A Buddhist Manual of Psychological Ethics, p. lvi.

11. Ibid., p. lxx. (Author's italics.)

12. Ibid., p. lxxiii.

13. Ibid., p. lxxi. (Quotation marks in text.)

14. Ibid., pp. xv-xcv.

15. Ibid., p. xxxviii, referring to Aristotle, De Anima, III, chaps. vii, viii.

16. Ibid., p. xxxviii.

17. Ibid., (two references.)

18. Ibid., p. xl. (Author's italics.) She quotes the phrase "should flow in over us" from page 351 of the text following her introduction.

19. Patrick Mullahy, The Contributions of Harry Stack Sullivan (New York: Hermitage House, 1952), pp. 16--22.

20. A Buddhist Manual of Psychological Ethics, p. lxxi.

21. Ibid., note 3.

22. See especially Mrs. Rhys Davids, Buddhism, Its Birth and Dispersal, Home University Library (London: Thornton Butterworth Ltd., 1934), pp. 70--82.

23. Ibid., pp. 89-107. On pp. 99-100 she cites "bound to become" from Majjhima-nikaaya, i.104, translated in Lord Chalmers, Further Dialogued of the Buddha (London: Humphrey Milford, 1926), Vol. I, p. 73, p. 257, etc. Bhava-shudhi she cites on p. 100 from six of the A`sokan Edicts, references which she discusses in her Sakya; or Buddhist Origins (London: Kegan Paul. 1931), chap. XXIII.

24. T. R. V. Murti, The Central Philosophy of Buddhism (London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1955), p. 26. I am indebted to Miss I. B. Horner of the Pali Text Society, London, for calling my attention to this quotation.