
Thursday 7 November 2019


(述記:染者人執。不染者法執 生空智果者。智者即是無分別智。果者即後得智及此所引滅定。皆唯不染。)
(述記:謂有漏者。簡無漏根。無漏根發無漏識無違故。不共者。簡有漏第八識是共。故可為無漏識依 必俱者。顯非等無間緣。等無間緣根前後生故。得依有漏 同境者。簡第七為六依。彼雖有前義。非同境故。此有漏根發無漏識。不相應故。)

Condition quâ Antecedent
Samanantarapratyaya, a condition quâ antecedent, means that the eight actual consciousnesses (darsana and samvittibhaga) and their Caittas (to the exclusion of Rupa, the Viprayuktas, the Bijas, and the Asamakrtas) constitute a preceding group which passes away to give place to a subsequent group of the same species, opening the way to that group and acting in such a way that it immediately comes into being.
1.     In regard to the innumerable Bijas of the same species, they are coexistent and, therefore, like unassociated dharmas (Viprayuktas), are not Samanantarapratyaya.
2.     According to the same principle, the eight consciousnesses are not Samanantarapratyaya between themselves, because several species of consciousness coexist.
3.     It is true that the Caittas coexist at all times with Citta; but they are 'associates' (samprayukta) of Citta (having the same object and the same supporting base, indriya; arising at the same time, and being of the same nature): they are therefore united with Citta in such a way that they form a sort of unity, and it is impossible to separate and differentiate between them. It is said therefore that Citta and Caittas are, reciprocally, Samanantarapratyaya. [The previous Citta is the Samanantarapratyaya of the subsequent Caitta of the same group.]
4. At the moment of entry into Nirupadhisesanirvana (Final-Nirvana-without-residue, i.e., Nirvana without vestiges of reincarnation), the mind is extremely weak and, in consequence, has not 'the strength to open the way and lead'. Further, it does not produce a subsequent dharma of a similar nature. Hence it is not Samanantarapratyaya.
How do you explain this?
It has been truly said in the Yogasastra that 'if, immediately after the former consciousness-associates, the latter consciousness-associates are born, then the former are the Samanantarapratyaya of the latter.' (Yogasastra, 3 and 51, and Vikhyapana, 18).

(1) The Adanavijnana as Samanantarapratyaya
In accordance with this doctrine, it may be said that the Adanavijnana of any one of the three Dhatus and any one of the nine Lands can be the Samanantarapratyaya of an Adanavijnana of any Dhatu and any Land, because, in the cycles of birth and death, the superior existences are introduced and brought about by the inferior existences, and vice versa.
An impure Adanavijnana (non-Buddha) can be succeeded by a pure Adanavijnana (Buddha); but the reverse is impossible, because the Great Mirror Wisdom (Adarsajnana), once attained, is never cut off.
The same relations exist between a good Adanavijnana and a non-defined Adanavijnana; the good succeeds the non-defined; the non-defined does not succeed the good.
To which Dhatu does the impure Adanavijnana belong which is succeeded by the pure Adanavijnana? [In other words, to which Dhatu does the existence belong with which one attains Buddhahood?] There are two opinions:
(1)   To Rupadhatu belong Bodhisattvas of instantaneous enlightenment and to Kamadhatu belong those of gradual enlightenment.
All Prthagjanas who aspire to the fruit of Buddha, who do not enter into the two Vehicles, must necessarily be born in [the fourth dhyana heaven of] Rupadhatu before they can produce pure Adanavijnanas and become Buddhas. Later they are reborn and reside, above the Suddhavasikas, in the Pure Land of Mahesvarabhuvana and there obtain Bodhi.
The Saints of the two Vehicles (Saiksas and Asaiksas) who turn their minds to Mahabodhi must necessarily be born in Kamadhatu before they can produce pure Adanavijnanas, because it is only in Kamadhatu that they can turn their minds to Mahabodhi and preserve their bodies. Although they must of necessity proceed to the Pure Land of Mahesvarabhuvana to attain Buddhahood, because they can only become Buddhas in that excellent place, nevertheless their 'bodies of birth' [the natural bodies, fruit of retribution], which they preserve by the force of their 'great vows and resolutions' (mahapranidhana), are Kamadhatu bodies.
(2)   According to another opinion, which is correct, it is neither at variance with the texts nor with logical reasoning that some Sravakas turn their minds to Mahabodhi and preserve their bodies not only in Kamadhatu but also in Rupadhatu. Consequently, for the Sravakas also, the pure eighth consciousness can follow immediately the consciousness of Rupadhatu.
As regards the fact that in the five Suddhavasikas there are no saints turning their minds to Mahabodhi, this is because the Mahaprajnaparamitasutra does not say that they manifest 'the great mind of Bodhi' necessary for their reorientation towards the Greater Vehicle.
(2) Manas as Samanantarapratyaya
Manas (seventh Pravrttivijnana) of any one Dhatu and any one Land can be Samanantarapratyaya of Manas of any other Dhatu and any other Land, because Manas is tied to the place of birth of the eighth consciousness.
Impure or pure Manas can be the Samanantarapratyaya of impure or pure Manas, because the two states of Manas can succeed one another in the course of the ten Bhumis according to whether the yogin is entering pure or impure contemplations.
In the same way, good and non-defined states succeed one another.
Among the non-defined states, the defiled state (characterized by the presence of pudgalagraha) and the non-defiled state (characterized by the presence of dharmagraha only) succeed one another, because non-defiled states (wisdom of pudgalasunyata, i.e., 'non-discriminating wisdom', and its two fruits, 'subsequent wisdom' and nirodhasamapatti) can follow and precede defiled states.
It is only in Kamadhatu and Rupadhatu that pure and impure Manas are reciprocally Samanantarapratyaya; not in Arupyadhatu, because Bodhisattvas of the higher Lands are not born in this Dhatu.
(3) Manovijnana as Samanantarapratyaya
The Manovijnana of any one of the three Dhatus and any one of the nine Lands, pure, impure, good, bad, etc., can be Samanantarapratyaya of the Manovijnana of any other Dhatu, etc. In fact, at the moment of the 'moistening of birth', i.e., the moistening and fertilizing of the ripened, Bijas which causes birth into a certain Dhatu, the Manovijnanas of the three Dhatus and the nine Lands can reciprocally engender one another. [The Buddha and the Bodhisattvas of the three superior Bhumis can engender minds in all spheres of consciousness.]
It is only as a sequel of the mind of the fourth dhyana heaven of Rupadhatu that the pure Manovijnana is born for the first time (at darsanamarga), because the pure mind of nirvedhabhagiya (true discrimination or wisdom which precedes darsanamarga) belongs to Rupadhatu.
(4) The Five Consciousnesses as Samanantarapratyaya
The consciousnesses of the eye, the ear, and the body, of Kamadhatu and the first dhyana heaven of Rupadhatu are, each according to its kind, Samanantarapratyaya of each other. The same applies, in the land of Kamadhatu, to the consciousnesses of the nose and the tongue. In the same way the good, bad and non-defined perceptions of each of the five consciousnesses can succeed one another.
For those Masters who think that a Bodhisattva attains the Krtyanusthanajnana (wisdom of creative achievement) as soon as he enters into the Bhumis, the pure and impure elements of the five consciousnesses are Samanantarapratyaya of each other, each according to its kind, because, prior to the attainment of Buddhahood, the Krtyanusthanajnana permits the reciprocal emergence of the pure and impure elements of the Five.
For those Masters who reserve the Krtyanusthana for Buddhas alone, the five impure consciousnesses are, at the moment of the attainment of Buddha-hood, Samanantarapratyaya of the five pure consciousnesses; the pure are never Samanantarapratyaya of the impure, for non-Buddhas never have the five pure consciousnesses. In fact, their five material organs are definitely impure, forming as they do a part of the nimittabhaga of the eighth consciousness, Vipakavijnana, which only becomes pure on the acquisition of the qualities of a Buddha.
[But, it may be asked, why should the five impure organs not engender pure consciousness?]
The explanation is that the five impure organs are the special supporting basis for the consciousnesses that correspond to them in contradistinction to the Alayavijnana which is the general supporting basis for all consciousnesses and which can be impure without Manovijnana necessarily being so. They are simultaneous to the consciousnesses that correspond to them and cannot be compared to the impure dharmas which are Samananpratyaya of pure dharmas. They have the same object as the consciousnesses which correspond to them while Manas has not the same object as Manovijnana and can in consequence be impure without the latter necessarily being so.
It is therefore impossible for the five impure organs to engender pure consciousnesses. The five impure organs are 'dark and obscure' and cannot produce pure consciousness which must be 'clear and bright'.

只有 在欲界和色界時,有漏、無漏的末那識能互為等無間緣。但無色界例外,因為地上菩薩不生至無色界
意識在三界九地中任一界地的有漏、無漏、善與不善等,都可以作為其他界地意識的等無間緣。事實上,在轉生時的種子潤生位等,三界九地的意識可以互相引生。 [佛與八地以上菩薩們可在一切識處起心。]


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